Here is a gardening tip or two to help you save time and still enjoy your beautiful flowers. Dwarf, coreopsis, euphorbia, and hellebore flowers will give you more return on your energy investment because they have long bloom seasons. You won't have to dead-head or remove faded flowers to keep these Annuals, like lobelia, impatiens, and fibrous begonias blooming Gardener In Manchester.Also, placing bulky plants in front of tall, floppy ones will keep you from having to stake them. When your summer annuals are done blooming, Setting the bulbs in plastic pots and rotating them in and out of larger ones will make replacing them a quick and easy job. And, instead of digging up your tender bulbs of dahlias, glads, and cannas, try covering them with a tarp and a 6-inch mulch of leaves. This will insulate them, keeping the moisture and cold from rotting and freezing your precious bulbs. Then in spring comes around again, you just roll back the tarp and watch them grow!VegetablesHow about another gardening tip just for your vegetables! Mixing your vegetables into the flowerbeds is a more convenient and easy way to tend your yummy plants. And if you grow rhubarb, asparagus, and perennial herbs then you won't have to replant them each year!Remember that your garden maintenance is important. Lower your labor and bring more sun to your plants by raising your garden beds, which will offer you a chance to sit at the edge of your plants and work away with ease. You will also get more vegetables in less space if you compact your vegetable garden. And don't forget that gardening is an excellent activity for the entire family.Feeding, Watering, and WeedingHaving impeccable soil will cut back on your garden maintenance, so adding compost and other forms of organic matter will improve the nutrient content of your soil. Discovering the secret of independent plants will give you the knowledge of knowing that organic soil holds more water and nutrients, supports healthier plants, and fights against weed problems.Also, your soil will release nutrients all season long by mixing pelleted fertilizers into it. Your soil will seal in moisture, feed your plants more nutrients, and block out weeds if you cover it with organic mulch compost or bark chips.Choosing a decorative sprinkler gives you the ability to leave it in your garden, making it easy to water every day. You can, also, choose drip-irrigations and soaker hoses which are the most efficient ways to water. Or you may choose to deep soak your plants once a week, encouraging the deep roots and resulting in watering much less during those hot summer days.LawnsYour garden guide shouldn't forget about your lawn. The healthy soil of your lawn can help the soil of your garden be richer. Working on improving your soil by aerating and using organic-based fertilizers will make you water, fertile, and mow your luxurious lawn less often by making the grasses roots dig deep to find their nutrients. To save time of gathering and dumping bags of cut grass, use a mulch mower that will aid in the return of precious nitrogen to your soil and leaving you fertilizing less often.If you will like to water, feed and more your lawn less, then how high you cut your grass will make all the difference. The longer your grass is, the more it shades the roots, giving more leaf surface for making food. Depending on the type of grass you have will determine how high to set your mower, but most lawns should be allowed to grow two to three inches tall before cutting the top one-third of the blades.Other Useful TipsGrouping all thirsty plants together near your water source will conserve you time and water; now that's a great gardening tip! Use large pots for all your container gardens, because they give more food and water to your plants than small pots.