In terms of training and employment ERP (enterprise resource planning) holds a very promising future. Demands of the ERP professionals are increased very rapidly. Now the companies have realized the ERP's importance ERPNext corporate training. Positive conclusions were drawn by the research made by the consultants of the IT Companies towards ERP. They said that the ERP is vibrant and have a quality of non stop expanding growth.ERP TrainingERP professionals are in great demand in the market. They draw a very attractive salary worldwide. The segment of ERP training itself is growing and expanding very fast and has become very large. Many leading companies like Microsoft, Oracle, and SAP collaborates with the institute which is reputed and offers lots of training programs. For this training program they offer proper certificates which are highly recognized in the MNC's and in the international market. Special programs are conducted by institutes of leading business on ERP. For the students of management, it is the favorite topic for research. After the intervention in warehousing segment and in supply chain it is being introduced in the curriculum of management. Top companies offer ERP training program in the company or in institute depending upon the requirements in the market and the policy of the company.Candidate should posses multiple skills to pursue a job in ERP. The candidate should be ready to accept the changes all the time. He should be dynamic. It is not sufficient for the candidate to have a mere educational and technical qualification. As the ERP is undergoing a lots of transformation and improving day by day the candidate must also be prepared to compete the changing circumstances. Candidate should not be outdated in the changing areas of ERP otherwise he will lose the company.Job OpportunitiesThe professionals of enterprise resource planning software should be specialist in diverse application and function. After the advancement of ERP now the company is choosing the multiple function ERP program. So now the company will be interested in employing the professional who specializes in the multifunction of ERP.Opportunities for ERP professionals are in large corporations where huge investments are made on ERP. For this job, an all rounder should be preferred. On the aspect of qualification there is no stigma. From all streams the candidate should be considered. There are plenty of ERP jobs with very high competition. Many unauthorized institutes are also giving training and certificates for the training program. But their certificates are not valid. Their fees are less expensive, but they will never help the candidate to secure a job. So candidates should check the credibility and authenticity of the institute.