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There's a massive choice with these training programs - from Microsoft User Skills right up to training programs for web designers, networkers programmers etc. Take advice before you jump in with two feet - chat with an advisor who has knowledge of the industry. Somebody who you trust to choose the right direction for you - that's both relevant to industry and will prepare you for a career you'll enjoy.Because there are such a lot of well priced, simple to follow courses and assistance, it's easy to find something that should get you into the commercial world.One interesting way that training companies make a lot more is by charging for exams up-front and presenting it as a guarantee for your exams. This sounds impressive, until you think it through:Everybody's aware that they're ultimately paying for it - it's quite obvious to see that it's already been included in the full cost of the package supplied by the course provider. It's certainly not free - don't think these companies are so generous with their money! Trainees who go in for their examinations when it's appropriate, paying as they go are much better placed to get through first time. They are aware of their investment and revise more thoroughly to be up to the task.Do your exams somewhere close to home and find the best deal for you at the time. Big margins are made by some training companies that get money upfront for exam fees. A number of students don't take them for various reasons but no refunds are given. Amazingly, there are training companies that depend on students not taking their exams - as that's how they make a lot of their profit. In addition to this, many exam guarantees are worthless. Most companies won't pay for re-takes until you're able to demonstrate an excellent mock pass rate.The cost of exams was around the 112 pounds mark in the last 12 months when taken at local VUE or Pro-metric centres throughout the country. So what's the point of paying maybe a thousand pounds extra to get 'an Exam Guarantee', when it's obvious that the responsible approach is a commitment to studying and the use of authorised exam preparation tools.An area that's often missed by trainees mulling over a new direction is that of 'training segmentation'. Essentially, this is the breakdown of the materials for timed release to you, which completely controls how you end up. Delivery by courier of each element one stage at a time, as you pass each exam is the usual method of releasing your program. This sounds logical, but you must understand the following: What could you expect if you didn't actually complete each and every module within the time limits imposed? Often the prescribed exam order won't fit you as well as an alternative path could be.To avoid any potential future issues, it's normal for most trainees to request that all their modules (now paid for) are sent immediately, and not in a piecemeal fashion. It's then up to you in which order and at what speed you want to go.The perhaps intimidating chore of getting your first computer related job can be eased because some trainers offer a Job Placement Assistance programme. Often, there is more emphasis than is necessary on this service, as it is genuinely quite straightforward for any motivated and trained individual to secure work in the IT industry - as there is such a shortage of well trained people.Update your CV at the beginning of your training though (advice can be sought on this via your provider). Don't procrastinate and leave it until you've graduated or passed any exams. Getting your CV considered is more than not being regarded at all. A surprising amount of junior positions are bagged by trainees (who've only just left first base.) Generally, a local IT focused employment service (who will, of course, be keen to place you to receive their commission) will be more pro-active than a sector of a centralised training facility. Also of course they should be familiar with the local area and commercial needs.Many students, it seems, spend evenings and weekends on their training and studies (for years sometimes), and then just stop instead of trying to get their first job. Introduce yourself... Work hard to put yourself out there. Don't expect a job to just fall into your lap.It's clear nowadays: There really is very little evidence of individual job security anymore; there's only industry and sector security - a company will drop any single member of staff when it suits their business interests. We could however locate security at the market sector level, by digging for high demand areas, tied with work-skill shortages.